Meet some of my alter egos:

  • Celia performing a trick on an LED-illuminated pole, with purple smoke in the background. She wears a snakeskin bodysuit.

    Pole Instructor

    I took my first pole class in March 2018, hoping that a Groupon could cure my first-year-of-grad-school blues. I was instantly hooked. The feeling of weightlessness, of blending grace and strength, is absolutely unbeatable.

    I started teaching in July 2021, and won a silver medal competing at PSO Golden Gate 2022. I teach at Berkeley Pole & Dance and would love to see you there!

  • Celia plays a seafoam green bass guitar, wearing a leopard-print dress.


    Recovering from many years of classical piano training, I bought my first bass guitar in January 2020. After months of pandemic-induced practice, I started playing cover songs with friends in our driveway, masked and socially distanced.

    These days, I mostly play with Analog Dog, a San Francisco-based psychedelic indie disco band. We’re told that we “sound like the ‘60s, but from the future.”

  • Charlotte, the most perfect long-haired cat on Earth, sticks her tongue out while Celia smiles behind her.

    Cat Lady

    Charlotte has been known to convert even the most committed Dog People. She puts in many hours as a work-from-home research assistant, copyeditor, and freelance cuddle machine. She loves lasers, naps, and biscuit-making.

    If you’re a fan, consider donating to Cat Town—they took great care of her until she came home.